Personal Narrative: Things Change

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Things Change My sister, Amanda, and I used to be very close. After all, we got through some of the hardest times like when our dad died. We were like two trees planted together three years apart that got attached by their roots. We shared some of the best memories: she let me sleep over when she had her firneds sleeping with her and I would play games everyday, last but not least, we shared a room together. Her and I were always crazy together, we just became carefree when we were outside together and made up some crazy games we would play for endless hours. I remember that one of the games we would play together is one of us would be the lion and one of us would be the antelope. We would chase each other around our front yards for hours. “Can’t catch me!!” Amanda would scream as I chase her around the yard. “Oh, yes I can” I yelled as I sped closer to her. …show more content…

She fell down to her back and looked up at the sky and started giggling. I tripped over her, then fell on my stomach. We both quickly got up, then started a new round. We ran around the yard for hours. That night, we would stare up at our dimly glowing stars that clung to the ceiling. As hours passed, our conversations kept going, spiraling into giggles and laughs. Those were the best times; we tried to give advice, talk about our feelings, ask each other how our days went, what our favorite things are, and one day we created a game show. We would take turns being the host and the

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