Personal Narrative: The Mosaic Canyon In Death Valley

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Have you ever had a dream about being lost in a desert? I have, and I can tell you that not only was it a dream, but it was the absolute worst nightmare I have ever had! Imagine being surrounded by nothing but sand and not having a constant source of water to stay hydrated! Just the name alone has the power to intimidate even the strongest of adventurers. These were my thoughts when I found out I would be going on a field trip through time in Death Valley. The first stop, Badwater, was in the Precambrian era which dates from 1.8 billion years to 570 million years ago, and it completely caught me off guard because it looked absolutely nothing like the Death Valley I had imagined! There was actually water there! Before this stop I thought …show more content…

This was also in the Precambrian time period! At first Mosaic Canyon looked like a normal canyon until you walk about a ¼ mile up it. Here I was pleasantly surprised to find that the canyon narrows into the face of the Tucki Mountain. There was one of the most interesting sites I had ever laid my eyes on. The canyon’s walls had a sort of smooth finish to them and the closer I got I realized that the sides of the canyon were marble! When I took a little time to think about it I realized that the reason the sides of the canyon were like this was because the marble began as limestone. During the late Precambrian era this place was covered by warm sea water. When magnesium was added to the limestone it changed the rock to dolomite, which is a magnesium-rich sedimentary rock. When time began to go on younger rock covered the dolomite. The dolomite was influenced by the pressure and temperature of being covered and this caused the rock to transform into …show more content…

This time period is referred to as the Paleozoic Era which spans from 570 million years ago to 250 million years ago! It was amazing to see how deep Titus Canyon was! The gray rocks that made up the walls of the western side were Cambrian age limestone! These rocks from the Paleozoic time period formed when Death Valley was underneath tropical seas! The reason that Death Valley was submerged was because the rise and fall of the sea level changed the shoreline drastically. It shifted the shoreline to the east and flooded the continent, then eventually the sea level dropped westward and exposed the limestone layer to erosion that we can see

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