Personal Narrative: The Lake Is My Happy Place

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Everybody knows the saying “The Lake is my Happy Place” because let's be honest who doesn’t love spending all day, everyday at the lake? Just imagine waking up and not having a care in the world. Spending all day on a boat, laying in the sun, and not having to worry about going back to the stress of everyday life. However, I didn’t get to experience that lifestyle this summer. Infact, my Summer lifestyle was the complete opposite. I spent my Summer working at the lake. Sounds like a blast right? WRONG! I worked, like a slave, at the Marina pumping gas, cleaning boats, and serving customers with a smile...sometimes. Working at the lake I learned many of things such as how to properly pump gas, how to cover up boats, and even how to check oil in boats and jet skis. However the most important thing that I learned while working out there this summer was the different types of customers that I met throughout the summer. Working at the lake I met all different kinds of customers such as the …show more content…

These are the customers that I call “The Better then Yous” because lets face it they think that they’re better than everybody else. Most of the time they are stuck up and rude, but what else would I expect from someone like that. They were the type of customers that I dreaded helping 75% of the time. They would usually never talk to me. Occasionally they would tell me a certain amount to fill their boats up. But for the most part they would dock their boats, get off, and go inside the Marina until I was done filling up their boat. Although there were many of negative aspects to the so called “Better than Yous” there was one major perk to the rich stuck up people. The tips, yes even though they were a jerk most of the time I knew that they would always tip well. Now yes the bad definitely outweighed the good in this situation but sometimes biting my tongue and faking a smile was worth the struggle for the tip in the

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