Personal Narrative: The Chaffey Water Polo

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The Chaffey Water Polo team went to a school named Shadow Hill to go into the finals for the C.I.F. competitions. We had worked hard to get that far and the team, including our coach , Coach Carlos, were stressed. I was a bit pardoned by anxiety, because I wasn't on the varsity team and also, I wasn't playing. I was on junior varsity and my fellow teammates and I, were just merely supporting our varsity team during the games, the only cause for us to enter the pool would have to be that a player had a freak accident and injured himself , forcing anyone on junior varsity to play with varsity in the competition. So on the day we went to Shadow Hills, we really were stressed, I could almost smell the anxiety irradiating off the team. When we got there, we did our normal routine , stretch for minutes, warm up for 45 , and relax and try to calm our butterflies till the game started. …show more content…

When the ref blew his fox -40 whistle, the game commenced., it was a good game but we were dominating the first half, then , out of the blue , they started to catch up , eventually at the end of the last quarter, we got a one point lead. There was only 20 seconds left, coach gave the signal, to play monkey in the middle, all our team had to do is not let Shadow touch the ball, while we were tossing the ball , making it impossible for the other team to grab it, they were infuriated, both the team and the parents, then the buzzer went off. and we had won. I was in relief for a little, Then I heard the insults coming from the audience, the other teams parents weren't happy with the outcome of the game, calling us chickens, that we were babies , of course we didn't mind because we had won, but one man yelled at us saying ,"You f****** burnt Mexicans, can't play for

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