Personal Narrative: The Case Of Olivia

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Summary- Everything was normal, Olivia was in her second year of college. Whereas her childhood friend Amara was struggling to even keep a job after an incident, that happened a few years prior. One morning, Olivia wakes up and finds out that there wasn't a sign of anything that she once knew. ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ It was early fall, and the leaves had just begun to fall from the trees. Although it was windy, and the sun was hidden behind the buildings surrounding my apartment, it was still warm. I had gotten home earlier than usual today. I often spent time at the library after school, but today the library was closed due to construction. I walked through the front door of my house, my roommate, Amara was sitting on the couch, watching who knows …show more content…

I was instantly was filled with relief, “Did some die??” “No, you just weren’t moving, and I got panicked,” A smile was plastered across my face, “Something is off this morning, and I guess I was too, I just thought the worst. “Okay, I’ll be out in a few minutes.” It took us a while to get out the door, and by the time we did it was already nine. We raced out of the house, trying not to miss the bus. Amara and I hardly noticed the deserted streets. Hoping that we didn’t miss it, we ran towards the train. We didn’t miss the train, although the train was empty when we got on. We glanced at each other, wondering why the train, that was always tumultuous, was now silent. “The streets were deserted earlier. I didn't think anything of it.” My voice was quiet, but audible in the silence, and my hands were shaking. I grabbed my phone from my back pocket and began looking for anything on the news. I pulled up a video, the anchorman's voice was quiet, “...stay inside, be quiet, and try to hide from them. They are fast and can kill in an instant. They have invaded the city, so please spread the information.” Amara and I were silent, standing on the train, shocked at what had

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