Personal Narrative: Roaw Paw Paw Paw

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"Where is my dad at?" I said, thinking to myself, my dad has been just in the house. "He went to on the hill," said my mom. Wonder why he is up there for? Then I thought to myself he's probably weed-deting or something else up there. Then I got something to eat. I got home from school one Friday afternoon and my dad and my brother had gone up to the hill which was above my house. To weed-det and they have found a huge paw paw tree. It was encumbered with paw paw's. So, my brother climbed up the long large tree trunk and had shaken the paw paw tree until the beautiful sized paw paw's fell off the huge tree. About 32 huge paw paws' fell off the large tree and so my dad waited for my brother to climb down the tree. Then collected them swiftly.

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