Personal Narrative: Out West

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Out West It was in the early 1800’s in Roanoke County, Virginia. Roanoke County, Virginia was situated in the middle of Virginia with the scenery of the small mountains of the Appalachians in the background. Both the scenery, and the people that lived in the region were very rugged. The climate was hot and humid in August, and switched to cold and dry in January, so one had to be rugged and able to adapt to variations in temperature such as this. The mainstay of the community was based around farming with livestock. This required families to put in long days. Days where you wake up to the beautiful red sun rising, and went to bed with the pitch black darkness of the nigh surrounding you. Work, along with life, was just plain tough. …show more content…

Time went on, as did with the process of placing the hot beans into the hot jars, taking a small amount of salt out of the salt sack to add onto the beans. Then we would ladle the scalding hot water and carefully place it over the green beans, making sure on each jar that there was at least one inch of headspace before we placed the lid onto the jar in order to create a seal. All I kept thinking about is how good my down feather pillow was going to feel tonight, when I go to sleep. As the darkness loomed outside, we now had the lanterns flickering to give us light to finish our canning project. After hours and hours of working on the green beans, Mom took out the last jar for us to fill and then seal. I felt extremely happy, but at the same time I was extremely exhausted and so ready for bed. I didn’t even feel like eating supper, even though I should have. I prepared for bed, as I knew the morning would come early, and then it would be time for us to start putting the green up with the root cellar. I said a prayer for Dad and Jeb to find the hog and fell fast …show more content…

“I want to have you two all fed, so when Dad gets home, I’ll be able to concentrate on what he has to say about what is to come”, Mom said with fear in her voice. We did as Mom ordered to wash up, ate quickly, and got ready to go to the garden, just as soon as Dad came in. The door creaked and then Dad entered with a look of business on Dad’s face that I will never forget. Gemima and myself got up swiftly and went out the door. I knew that Gemima and I were to get into the garden, but we couldn’t help ourselves to quietly ease drop crouched down beneath the old rickety window. Dad replied, “I talked to Claiborne and he is going to get Zachariah, Henry, William, and Daniel ready for in the morning”. Dad went on to say, “All of us men folk are going to ride over to the Wolfe’s and call them out about the dead hog”. Mom must have not said a word, as we heard nothing but the wind blowing through the oak trees. It seemed like we waited an eternity before we heard Mom reply. “David, I won’t try to stop you, because I know that your mind is all made up now”. Both Gemima and I knew at that point the feud would soon be starting, and it was going to change all of the families involved, both the McCoy’s and the

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