Personal Narrative On The Odyssey

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I remember pacing back and forth in my dorm room blankly staring out the window as snow gently struck the ground.
Everything seemed so pure, everything felt right. I had finally decided on a major, I found my calling, I was ready to venture out on my purpose for this life.

I had just spoken to the editor and chief of The Odyssey and committed to writing an article a week indefinitely, yes life seemed so perfect at that very moment, even the flutter of the snow hitting the ground was so beautiful, and I hate, hate the cold.

Flash-forward nine months and I’m ready to throw my laptop full force at the ground.

When I first began writing for The Odyssey, an online magazine, I was filled with ambition, ideas would constantly flash through my head, I was eager, I had finally found out what I loved to do, what I had wanted to do for the rest of my life. …show more content…

But as luck would have it and after several major changes and A LOT of life contemplation I somehow reached the conclusion that journalism would be the perfect fit for me. At the time I had no idea what I wanted to do in this broad ever so changing field and to be honest I still am not completely sure. Regardless I knew, I just knew journalism was the perfect fit for me.

A few days later I was scrolling through Facebook and saw an article written by a member of The Odyssey. I thought how cool it would be to write, no, to write and actually have people read it.

“Could I do that? Probably not? No, you always plague yourself with doubt. Why not give it a try, just apply what do you have to

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