Personal Narrative On Fishing

699 Words2 Pages

Nicklas Hernandez
Ms. Taylor
ENGL 1301
20 September, 2017

Title When I was about the age of 13 my dad took me fishing at his favorite fishing spot. We didn’t spend a lot of time together, I thought he was a little too mean instead I would usually talk to my mom. My mom would always tell me that I should spend more time with him, but I just didn’t like to be around him because he always came off as really strict.

My family always attended church and we always participated in the events that they had going on. Well my church had a father and son fishing contest, and my mom insisted that me and my dad took part in it. I told her I didn’t want to do it, and that I hated fishing. My mother told me “It would make your dad really happy if …show more content…

I said yes, and we drove down to the run down big green building that smelled like someone let one rip. We walked in the store and were greeted by a man wearing an apron. “How can I help you today?” The man asked, “Could we get two tubes of your best bait.” My dad responded. The man left to go retrieve the bait and while he is gone my dad begins to tell me about when he was a kid. He said “I remember when I was your age, I would go fishing with my old man every other weekend. That was the only time I could really talk to him. He was a mean man and he never cared about what I liked only that I stayed out of trouble.” The man had came back with our bait, “Your total is $32.15, how would you like to pay?” My dad paid the man and be …show more content…

“There are some monsters in here!” my dad exclaimed. We fished for about six hours straight and didn’t catch anything but a couple of small Perch and a turtle. “How long are we going to stay out here? I starting to smell like a fish just sitting here.” I told my dad. He replied: “Can we just wait a couple more minutes? I know there are some really big ones in here.” So we waited about ten or so minutes, and nothing. Then out of nowhere my line went screaming in the water. “Hey! Dad, come over here I got one!” I yelled. “Hold on tight son, I'm coming!” my dad said. My dad came and he told me what to do, and together we managed to pull in the biggest Gar I had ever

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