Personal Narrative- Objects that Help Me Remember Who I Am, and the Importance of Self Acceptance

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When a fire is ignited many things are thrown into to keep it burning, however the fire will bring down all the items tossed into it; eventually the fire will fade. When the fire fades, only one item will remain whole amongst the ashes. The way only the strongest items survive is related to life. Life is full of lessons, speeches, and dreams that will prove to be life changing, however only the strongest of those items with the deepest meanings will survive. Growing up I know everyone has got the speech about accepting who they are and believing in themselves, however today everybody feels a sense of insecurity with the way the media stereotypes how they should be in order to be the best. When we turn on our computers and televisions we see people with perfect hair, shiny new cars, Louis Vutton shopping bags, and models for significant other. When we see these combinations, we say or think things like, “If I had that car, everyone would notice me, I mean I would have invites to everything and I’d just have the perfect life.” This is something that’s we have all down, and because of who we are, we then feel less than those who we admire. Well in the midst of the media’s constant shower of stereotypes I remember what my aunt said and gave me. Some time ago my aunt gave me a sterling sliver charm bracelet that features a locket box, a diamond star, and a compass. With that she told me something to remember about each charm on the bracelet. My aunt had told me of plenty things to remember before this moment, but I knew that this one would be the moment that would stay forever and the one I would share with the world. Everything she told me to remember is something that we all need because it happens so often and quickly. Th... ... middle of paper ... ...Accepting who we are is something that every person in the world has to deal with. Although the media is very negative, it does sometimes report on the positive. However the when the media shoots negativity, like human depictions, they infect us, the people like the swine flu; therefore we should not rely on the media to tell us who we should be or who we should look like or what we should forget in our past. In fact if more people accepted themselves they could become the vaccine for the medias swine flu. To me I think everyone in the world needs to fine their three charms. A locket box for secrets and personals to remain secret and personal instead of revealed. Their compass to always have direction and memories of home, because home is where the heart is. Finally, everyone needs their own star so they will we remember to shine even if they are not the best.

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