Personal Narrative: New Taxes In The Colonies

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My parents are downstairs having a conversation about the new act passed by Britain. Britain has just passed an act taxing people and making them buy stamps for their printed and mailed goods. They are not very happy about this new tax because they have already been taxed by acts such as the Sugar Act and the Molasses Act. They’ve noticed that Britain has started to pass more taxes in the colonies lately. I was going to my room to go to bed when I overheard their conversation. “I can’t believe they’re making us pay taxes to send letters!” My mom exclaimed. “I’ve noticed that Britain has been creating many new taxes on the colonies. They have passed four new tax laws in the past fourteen years!” My dad said. “This is absurd! There needs to be a revolt against Britain for our freedom.” My mom stated. …show more content…

It doesn’t seem like the other colonists like these new taxes that are being passed by Britain. Maybe some of the other colonists have the same idea as us. Maybe they are thinking of working together to start a revolt too!” I heard my dad say. It was the end of my parents’ conversation so I decided to go to bed. I brushed my teeth with my bamboo toothbrush and went into my room. I blew the candle out and went to bed. I woke up early the next morning and went downstairs to eat breakfast. I heard my parents having another conversation about the new Stamp act and then when I walked downstairs their conversation stopped. “Good morning, Jimmy.” they both said. Then they continued on with their conversation as my mom cooked me oatmeal and bacon. The next day a group of colonists decided to start petitions and protests. “No taxation without representation!” they chanted. They didn’t like how Parliament taxed them without consent of a colonial legislature. Many colonists participated in this protest and fought to get the Stamp Act

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