Personal Narrative: My Trip To Canada

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Canada: home of the most picturesque landscapes and land of multicultural societies. Canada has everything and more. From the massive multicultural society in Toronto, housing nearly every nationality to the great mountainous terrain where the Canadian borders meet the Arctic Circle. Soon I am to travel there and get the opportunity to see these characteristics for myself. I am therefore curious as to what I will experience and learn from this journey. This assignment consist of my expectations for the journey and my view on being a foreigner in a different country. The assignment uses the future tense.
As I am writing this, I am about leave. The bags are almost packed and my excitement has reached a new level, but still I wonder what can I expect from this trip? Am I to embark on a life changing adventure or is my expectation set too high? Firstly, I am looking forward to seeing an aspect of Canadian culture that I might not have experienced with a previous visit. However, Toronto is not just one culture but multicultural and therefore I will visit numerous cultures all merged into …show more content…

Perhaps this trip to Canada will turn out to be my becoming of age story. Although it will not be the first time I will be traveling without my parents, it will certainly be the first time the distance exceeds 2000 kilometers. Even though my teachers will be a part of the trip, their presence will be limited as the program is filled with student-time. Therefore, many aspects of the journey will be new to me and by that way a learning experience. For example, I am going to manage my own money and for the first time use my job salary on necessary things such as food. I hope that this will teach me the value of money as I often forget how lucky I am. Furthermore, things such as navigating the city and behaving accordingly to certain standers require an adult

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