Personal Narrative: My Portfolio

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Portfolio Cover Letter
Over the past 11 weeks we have been given different writing prompts, for my portfolio I chose my favorite 4 pieces. The first piece I chose to share is my personal narrative. I chose my personal narrative as my first piece of writing because I think it gives the reader a good idea of who I am as a person and also as a writer. This narrative gives the reader an in-depth look at one of the most important times in my life. I think it shows the kind of emotion and thought I put into my pieces of writing. I was able to express my thoughts and feelings about my father’s passing and the things that happened after through this writing. I enjoyed this narrative because I was able to take this important time in my life and get …show more content…

The topic I chose for my cause and effect essay was on the heroin epidemic. I think the heroin epidemic is affecting almost everyone in some way. Whether it be a distant cousin using heroin or someone in your immediate family, we almost all know someone of someone using. We see and hear about this epidemic every day on the news or on social media. Currently working in the medical field I see how much of an impact drug use has had on our local community, and it’s something I will continue to see after I get my RN. As a nation we have started to shift our thoughts on this addiction, instead of treating addicts like criminals we have started to treat them as though they have a disease. I think this was an important topic to write about because it relates to my nursing …show more content…

I chose to include this piece of writing because it was an article that I could relate to, and agreed with. This article talks about how important it is for a man to be in their child lives and why it’s so important. The points made in this article I think are very important for everyone to understand. The last piece of writing I chose to include in my portfolio was a discussion forum on my persuasive essay. In this discussion forum I shared a paragraph from my paper, the paragraph I chose has some of the most important facts and supporting evidence for my paper. I think a free college education should be available to everyone. I think after reading through my portfolio you will have a better idea of who I am and how passionate I am about the pieces I

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