Personal Narrative: My Personal Health

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Personal Health History I was told that I didn't get sick as much. Just like my dad, it was impossible for me to catch a cold or flu, but when it comes, it comes hard. I was a healthy kid throughout my childhood. I did break my arm once, when I was jumping on my mom's bed then accidentally fell off. It was the first and hopefully the last time I break a bone. Despite my strong invincible immune system, I did have many accidents. When I was ten years old, my brother accidentally cracked a little part of my occidental bone. My dad built a DIY wooden swing and my brother twisted the swing while I was under it. He let it go and the corner of the swing hit my head. When I was little, I had ulcers in my stomach that could've turned into stomach cancer. …show more content…

And to tell you the truth, I enjoyed being at the dentist. But when I was teenager, it was rare for me to get a checkup unless I really needed it. When I was a junior, I had been getting pain in my stomach and chest. My parents were worried and took me to the doctor. It was a false alarm, but it is always good to check. I remember throughout my childhood, exercise was a big deal for my family. My parents would take my brother and I to go hiking, to the beach or to the park. Unfortunately, work and school changed our routine and became too busy to exercise. Fortunately for me, I go to the gym here, but I know I must help my parents to be motivated on trying to exercise. Living in a house with Mexican parents, it is impossible to resist the colorful flavors of traditional Mexican food. From pozole to chicken a la cream, it is food that will fill your soul, but not your health. Everyday my family would dine together after a long day of work. We will devour everything that is on our plates and will ask for seconds. Meat plays a big part in our eating patterns. Just about a few years ago, I learned it is bad to eat a lot of meat and should try to balance it out. My dad and I bought a Nutribullet and I would make healthy smoothies for my whole

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