Personal Narrative: My Love And My Best Friend, Virginia

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On June 27, 2015, my entire life flashed before my eyes. I never could have anticipated what that particular day had in store for me and my best friend, Virginia. It was the day after my birthday and I felt the excitement built up in my chest as we drove to Charleston, South Carolina to celebrate on the beach. It was our last summer together before we both headed off to college and all I hoped for were a few last joyful moments spent soaking up the sun before we had to part ways. I thought the trip would be unforgettable, and I was right. It was humid out and I could see the steam escaping from the pavement after the storm that morning. This was typical weather for Atlanta in the summer and we could not be more thrilled to be a few short …show more content…

I don’t know if we were more surprised that this had just happened or that we had survived. Nothing about it seemed real. Several kind families who had watched it all happen came rushing over to help. My car was still stuck in the trees and we were unable to open the doors. About a half hour of clearing branches, we vacated the car and a charming southern woman hugged Virginia and I tenderly. She consoled us and sympathized, “If it were my daughter, I’d want someone to stop and help. Y’all are some of the luckiest little girls I’ve ever seen. Y’all must have an angel watchin’ over you.” After another half hour passed, two police cars pulled up to get an accident report and the southern lady took us to the hospital to check for injuries. Virginia and I had a few scratches from the glass and Wanda had minor whiplash, but we couldn’t have been more relieved. Until one experiences a traumatic event, it’s easy to feel invincible. When we are young and naïve, invincibility allows us to feel comfortable. It doesn’t expose us to all of the frightening realities of the world. I felt invincible until that day. I still don’t know why God decided to spare our lives, but I do know that I will be forever grateful that He

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