Personal Narrative: My Life As A Writer

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Everyone has to write at some point. Whether it’s writing a paper or assignment for class, creating an email, making a grocery list, even when everyone texts their best friends. And there is a certain sense of peace that comes over some when they write. I believe that the more you write each day, the more peaceful and experienced you become. This point may not come natural at first, but with time, it’ll become something as natural as breathing, my life is an example. Growing up, I never knew how to act. It wasn’t hard to tell that I was different from most kids my age. For example; whenever we would have nap-time, I would never want to sit down, I would want to run around or do something different with my time. Because I felt that sleeping would waste the time to have fun. Though, I also felt left out when it came to emotions and how to have self-control. I would hit people to have fun, and I would be as loud as possible to have attention. When being loud turned into hurting people with my words without realizing it, that was when I started to back away from others. …show more content…

Until I started writing in middle school. My friend Rachael had this passion for writing that rubbed off. At first, I didn’t think I was any good, until my friends from school and my teachers told me that what I had was good. From then on, I wrote short stories based off of different stories that already existed. And I didn’t just sit at a computer whenever it was convenient. I wrote during class, I wrote when I was supposed to be doing homework, I wrote at all hours of the day. And then there were rough times that I went into; my step-mother got cancer and was getting a divorce with my dad, and then not long after, my track coach died in a car accident. That was when I started to journal each

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