Personal Narrative: My Life As A Mexican Immigrant

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I am a low-income, Mexican immigrant fighting to receive a full ride into a prestigious university. I was taught to believe that education would be the only way to achieve a life in which my children would not worry about my twelve thousand dollar debt that my parents and I sweat about today. A search for greater opportunities is part of the reason why I left my beloved home and became an immigrant in a country in which a politician describes me as a mere criminal or rapist. A country where residents of Arizona protest against me, demanding my people to return to Mexico when they themselves are immigrants. My immigration is my most valuable experience. It opened my eyes to the injustices in this world and made me become an adult prematurely. When my concern should have been about “Barbie”, I was the witness of my mother and father trying to find a job in which their lack of proper English and legal status was an issue. I was the kid with the passed down clothes because I could not afford the brand names everyone could. I was the daughter of a worried and scared mother who feared something would happen to her children who did not have healthcare or a social security. …show more content…

It evoked bitterness in me for this world and the privileged beings that do not face the same struggles that I, along with many others, do. I lost my innocent perception of everything as I began to notice the selfishness and prejudice in my environment. It started when I was not able to attend my grandparents funeral in Tampico due to the risk of being deported. Then, I was insulted on TV along with millions of immigrants by a white privileged man on the run for presidency, while being cheered by thousands of Americans. Finally, when I was held at the border because the officer asked my mother if my sister and I were real sisters since I had a darker skin

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