Personal Narrative: My Journey Through The Pacific Crest Trail

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The minutes pass and another page is turned with each word the author has so gracefully placed begs me to continue. Like many nights, a book can take me hours past the time I should have gotten some shut eye. When I finally do, I often dream of what’s to come trying to imagine the outcome of the story. Only to later find out that the author has thrown me for a loop. Reading allows me to be taken from reality and see into the depth of another world almost. In each book I read I am filled with great pleasure which sometimes can result in devastation. Before, I loathed reading and still do sometimes. Comprehension was something I greatly struggled with throughout school which used to deter me away from reading until I learned strategies to help. There is nothing I hate more than reading something I don’t care too like class assigned reading. Last year I was given as assigned book to read called Wild by Cheryl Strayed, and I was happy that I was forced to read it. The book was a true story about the authors own journey through the Pacific Crest Trail which …show more content…

In the summer Sarah and I set a goal to read ten books in three months. That equaled out to be 3 books a month. I was highly skeptical until she turned me on to the author Colleen Hoover. The first book I read of hers was “Hopeless”, needless to say, I finished it in one sitting. I just couldn’t put it down and found it that way with each book I read of hers. When I got to the end of Hopeless I couldn’t believe it was over. It sounds silly to say aloud, but I didn’t entirely know how to feel. Lucky for me, there was a sequel from Holden’s perspective that gave more meaning to the story. In the first month of our reading challenge I finished close to six books including Ugly Love, Maybe Someday, and Finding Cinderella all by Colleen Hoover. Reading had baited me in, and there is no getting off its

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