Personal Narrative: My Journey On The Oregon Trail

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I felt a chill go through my body as I sat on the edge of the wagon. Nights were always chilly out here, and we didn’t have as many blankets as we did when we started the journey on the Oregon Trail. My smaller brother had thrown one of them in our fire in a fit of rage, and several others had gotten dragged off by a coyote in the middle of the night. That was fine with me. We needed all the space we could get in our cramped wagon. Fitting six people and their possessions on a wagon made for four was no easy task, and it resulted in an uncomfortable lack of privacy. Still, an extra blanket right now would have been nice. The wagon rumbled along steadily. There was an occasional jaunty bump, but the wagon kept going. The constancy was comforting in a way. The continuous grumble of the wagon helped me forget all that I had lost on the Oregon Trail. …show more content…

I knew it was my Ma. Her hands were always warm, no matter how cold it got. I shifted to the side and she sat next to me. I could tell she hadn’t been sleeping well. Her dark blue eyes accentuated the gray circles around them, but she still maintained that soothing smile that had lulled me to sleep for years. Even after seventeen years of me existing on this earth, my mother still took care of me tirelessly. She did the same with my other siblings, which was no easy task. The thought of my siblings drove the smile away from my face and I looked down at my dangling legs. We had started off with six people; Ma, Pa, my two little brothers, and me. However, my little brothers died of cholera two months after we left home. I could still remember how much agony they endured before they died. I shut my eyes hard as I can as if that would help me erase the horrible images I saw inside my head. Ma rubbed my arm comfortingly, grounding

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