Personal Narrative: My Grandpa's Interviews

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After all the seven interviews, the interviews that impacted me the most are my grandpa’s, Mr. Huy Dinh’s, and Andy McTigue’s. My grandpa’s interview impacted me because he showed me how I had to respect and that I had to obey elders. When my grandpa was in the car, he told me, “ I’m just so happy that you are such a good grandchild and that I’m happy that you were able to survive.” “ I’m happy that you were able to become the child who are so I’m thankful that you are raised well.” And I started to cry and so did my grandpa. Mr. Huy Dinh’s interview impacted me because he showed me how you should really love and care for your parents because they are not going to live forever therefore, you have to make them feel like they had the best life

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