Personal Narrative: My First Week At Rocky Mountain National Park

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It was just a normal week in June at Rocky Mountain National Park. My family and I have been coming since I was born. It is always so beautiful to see the snow on the mountains and to think that this park was only established 101 years ago. They just celebrated their 100 year anniversary last year in 2015. Being in Colorado makes me feel at home because I usually go there once a year for multiple weeks. This year, I went there in the summer for a lacrosse tournament. In the summer it is just so awesome to be there. There are so many wonderful activities such as white water rafting, hiking, climbing, and bike riding. This year was my first year going white water rafting it was breathtaking because of how many gorgeous sights there were. Even though the water was a little cold it was totally worth it. I …show more content…

On the last day we decided to go golfing because it was amazing weather and looked to be like a lot of fun. I think this was one of my favorite activities just because of how awesome the views were, we were literally playing golf in mountains. It was also cool because we saw a ton of animals on the golf course. When we first got to the golf course we were actually told that there was a brown bear on the ninth hole green. Sadly we were not able to see the bear, but we got to see it on the surveillance camera. I feel like when I am in Colorado I am very free. I feel like I am able to do anything because there is so much to do there. When I am on the mountain skiing it's the best time of my life. I am with my family and having a ton of fun doing things that I love. When I ski I like to do crazy things like going backwards off jumps, doing flips, and just going super fast down runs. I also love skiing the runs that go through the forest because you see animals sometimes and it's just awesome to sit down and to think that God created all of these beautiful things and how amazing and how loving He

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