Personal Narrative: My First Scenarios

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In the first scenerio: "I have a fantastic manager. She is a strong leader, supportive, kind, and still has high expectations. I recently missed sending an email to a client that she asked me to follow-up with. I want to make sure that I never disappoint her." One solution to take after not following up with the client as directed by the manager could be to immediately email the manager and let her know about the mistake made in not completing her directions. Also immediately email the client to continue following up with them. Not following up with the client is the employee's mistake and he/she could use better time management skills, a lesson learned in Pro-Skills. To never disappoint the manager again using a calender, sticking notes …show more content…

He only talks to you when there is a problem." A trouble area in this situation is that the boss does not acknowledge all the good that is done by the employee, but the bad. The employee could start to feel underappreciated. At the same time, a boss should not have to always point out when an employee does good every single time. To handle the situation the employee should meet up with the manager and use the collaborating management style. When using the collaborating style, use feedback and encourage the manager that speaking to an employee when they do good work instead of just when problems arise can bring more productivity and better work. When acknowledging good work ethic every once in awhile will make an employee feel appreciated and that their work is not going …show more content…

As the team leader, I am supposed to give my manager progress reports, but she is always so busy. I feel like I’m bothering her, so I would rather just wait until the project is almost over and give her one big update." A solution to improve this situation is to just take initive as the team leader by emailing the progress reports to the manager and dropping a copy off by her office with a note on it. Not turning in the progress reports as it was asked is not doing anyone any good and is definietly not helping the important group project. The manager may want progress reports to see if anything with the project needs be changed or adjusted. By waiting to the end to give a big update may just be making extra work for the group in the end. An employee cannot feel like they are "bothering" a manager because a manager will always be busy with a busy position managing the tens or hundrends of

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