Personal Narrative: My Experience At Camp Beach

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It's been twenty years since I worked as a councilor at Camp Valleyway. Twenty years that I've tried to forget what I've saw, lying to myself and others about what I know happened. And for many of those years I succeeded in fooling myself, pushing the dark thoughts to hidden place in my mind, but after reading the newspaper today I can lie no longer.
Let me begin my story.

I started work when I was fifteen, spending my summers away at Camp Valleyway. The camp was nestled in the foothills of the Appalachians, cupped in a valley between two mountains with a natural lake at the center, its waters stained murky with southern clay. I worked as a swim instructor, and each week a new set of campers traveled from across the state to experience the outdoors.

I still remember the exact day it happened. Tuesday, fifth week of camp, …show more content…

Logan, the head of watersports and about five years older than me, sat across of of the picnic tables, his small eyes looking over the lake. Logan kept his hair in a tight buzz cut, revealing a scar around the back of his head, and when he spoke, it was in a deep drawl.

"Mike, watch what you're doing," He growled, noticing I had skipped a stitch, "I only got two eyes, and there's too much going on for me to watch everyone today."

"Got it." I said, and put my head down. Logan kept a tight watch on his crew, but now his focus was on the lake. Ed and Ted, two twin councilors with one brain between them, were teaching a beginner's swimming course. Ed and Ted always made Logan uneasy, and had earned a spot of first and second on his mental list of instructors-who-were-most-likely-to-screw-up-next.

So when Ed, the smarter of two, came sprinting up from the lakeside so fast his long legs spewed a dirt exhaust behind him, Logan was ready.

Ed opened his mouth, words wheezing in between each intake breath and his wet hair plastered over one

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