Personal Narrative: My Dystopian Future

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The doc told me this would happen. I’d feel sick, nauseated with a headache. Couldn’t do anything about it. I woke in an alley-way and everything was spinning, I couldn’t focus on anything. I tripped, I stumbled out of there, like a deranged drunk and went out with one intent only. To save the future. The year was 2030, a dystopian future really, after that God forsaken idiot became president. Starting world war three. The world became his battle ground and hundreds of millions of innocents were caught in the cross fire. However, this crisis can all be traced back to that one man the man that I’ve been sent back to kill. Donald Trump. Countless hours the doc put in to building his time thingy ma jig and it was finally ready, and fully operational. …show more content…

The buildings, the cars, even the clothes. I hailed a taxi and toppled into it and said "Sacramento International Jet Centre please". “So you going to the Trump rally, you know his policies are as good as his hair”. “Non-existent”. That taxi driver was the me 14 years ago. I wasn’t much to look at, had a job as a taxi driver to pay my rent. I eventually volunteered for the army became a marksmen and a pretty damn good one. I had nothing to live for, orphaned at the aged of sixteen no one to take care of me. That’s why I volunteered. However, I was working when my mom died at the rally and my father died before I was born. So my alterative motive to come back was to get some closure on what little family I used to have. “And we’re here”. I went in with the large crowd and I was standing right in front of the stage. All of them were delinquents, with no idea of what they are supporting. Trump came out, and there’s a deafening roar from the crowd. I look around in pity for all these people thinking about how my mother supported him, all I had was a photo of my mother given to me by the doc. Blonde hair, brown eyes and a noticeable mole on her right shoulder I had a quick look around. A lost cause looking for

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