Personal Narrative: My Dad

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“Hurry up, Yuvy,” my dad calls to me. I shuffle over the ice, trying to catch up with my family on the gritty path. Tightening the straps on my backpack, I lurch forward, passing through the shadows of the towering glacier above me. I keep my head up and follow my dad’s tracks. I remember ice skating with my dad when I was six years old. I would grab his sleeve, and cling to him as we went around the rink. Even when I slipped, he would pick me up and set me back on course – everything was okay. But when I stumble over the pitted trail, and my foot catches in a small icy crevice, my dad is nowhere to be found. A cool breeze laid on top of the mountain. My family - dressed in spiked shoes, long down coats, and fuzzy earmuffs - stands at the base

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