Personal Narrative: My Clinical Experience

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JOURNAL CONTENT: This weekend I was paired up with a nurse from the floating pull. It was a very interesting experience. For the first time since the beginning of the semester I can say that I was faced with a lot of critical thinking situations. I spend the day running around reminding my nurse of things he forgot or task we had to finish. It was already 2:00 pm and I still hadn’t performed an assessment on a patient, at this point I remember what Mrs. McAdams had said before “ we are in the hospital to help but our main priority is to learn and practice our skills” so I made the critical-thinking decision to tell my nurse that I needed to at least complete an assessment and since we were about to discharged a patient I could performed a final assessment on him before going home. I performed my assessment, had time to document and helped my nurse with the discharged. This weekend was a very challenging clinical for me but I also learned a lot. I learned to managed my time better, be proactive in my clinical experience and I also found my voice. Section 2 – Respond What did you think/feel when you recognized there was a critical situation/event? Describe in detail your feelings and thoughts. Surprisingly I felt empower, I realized that I needed to take charge of my education and I needed to at least complete a head to toe …show more content…

At this point I realized that I had a choice to make and I needed to take ownership of my education. I decided to speak up, ask my nurse if I could do a head to toe assessment on the patient that we were discharging. That way I was able to help him with the last vital signs and I could complete my assignment of the day. I don’t think I would change anything in this situation. I think that this experience helped me to take ownership in my clinical experience and also helped me to find my

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