Personal Narrative-Making A Difference: A Lesson In Legacy

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Making a Difference: A Lesson in Legacy I felt a rush of excitement after being called to the office to leave, as any high schooler would, but this time seemed different. I felt sick as I collected my things and started my way to the office. Walking in, I saw the secretary standing behind her desk with a distressed look on her face. It became clear that something was horribly wrong. As I approached her, she informed me that something had happened to my grandpa and that I would get picked up shortly to be taken to the hospital. Upon arrival, my grandpa laid in an unconscious state caused by bleeding within his brain from a stroke. I saw many people I’ve never seen before while sitting in the waiting room. One after another, they came and …show more content…

As unhealthy as it seems, it’s almost fostered in schools today. Where students in honors classes are held to a higher standard, separated from everyone else who didn’t make the cut. We are a class divided. Walking into the lunchroom, I often feel like a stranger in a class I’ve been a part of since kindergarten. From there I ask myself how I’ll be remembered when I graduate. A superb class ranking? A solid score on a geometry final? My answers were insignificant. What I had been defining myself as throughout my school years had no meaning to the odyssey that is this life. I had this epiphany shortly after my grandpa’s passing. I began to realize that it’s not the accomplishments or achievements of social status that’s important but instead the legacy that one leaves. Loretta Stewart wrote about how a mirror altered her mindset forever, she writes, “The mirror meant nothing without the stories behind it.Therefore, I will pass on the reflections that the mirror witnessed” (Stewart 17). Stewart’s words resonate to my circumstance. A life lead by merely academic and other societal success is one led by a blind man, mindlessly driving down a disastrous

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