Personal Narrative: Living In Tennessee

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I wasn’t always custom to the whirling seas of corn fields. Nor would I ever thought that I would be living in a location where there were less than 3,000 people. Moving from Nashville, Tennessee to small-town Fort Branch, Indiana is quite a jump; more like a leap of faith. It’s definitely a different scenery, but yet, still just as beautiful. And now I live in the middle of a corn field.
I was born in the “Music” city, also known as Nashville. Where I actually lived was Fairview, Tennessee. A friendly place, only slightly bigger than the whopping 3,000 that populate the Fort Branch area. Though I didn’t live in Nashville, I would have to travel through the radiant city to get to my dad’s house on the weekends. Now I haven’t ventured too …show more content…

Which probably wasn’t the best decision to make for a single mom with two kids. You could almost say that I lived in a “ghetto” for five months of my life. It sure wasn’t pretty, and neither were the people. Meaning that they were mean, and threw out hateful words to people who were different, me being one of them. I was one of the few white people at my new school which was heavily populated with black people , and I guess the people there didn’t like diversity. But on the plus side, I had the biggest room in that Bellevue apartment, so I was okay with the crumby situation. Thankfully we moved to somewhere a little less sketchy; Fort Branch, Indiana. The mean people didn’t really change, but at least it was a safer environment to live in. When I moved to Fort Branch, people thought it was cool that I came from another state. Whenever we would get new kids, we would have a contest to see who moved the farthest. Little kid stuff that meant a lot at the time, but was and is completely meaningless. The little kids apparently never grew up, because the kids in my class keep track of who is going the farthest for college; I’m winning so

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