Personal Narrative Learning: The Importance Of Learning

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Because humans are the only beings that tell stories, storytelling has become an integral element in human genetic makeup. Stories have been told for as long as mankind learned how to speak and communicate. The practice of storytelling has been passed down through cultural milieus, ballads, parodies, poems, autobiographies, journals, parables, and tales. In fact, many of these narratives have influenced how we learned and shaped our values, morals, and beliefs. Clark & Rossiter (2008) offer that narrative learning through stories, “involves stories heard, stories told, and stories recognized” (p. 65). In light of that, this paper will begin with a brief conception of narrative learning, followed by a personal narrative story that influenced my life as an adult, what was learned from this and why, and finally the importance of narrative learning as it relates to adult learners. Goodson & Gill (2011) offer that, “life narratives have been perceived as one of the major ways that a person can make sense and interpret meaning, thus enabling learning from within” (p. xii). Through these life narratives four categories provide narrative learning and knowing. Cultural narratives are part of the society in which one grew up and is inherent in who we are and how we pattern our lives. And because we are so absorbed by it, it becomes undistinguishable …show more content…

Goodson & Gill (2011), believe when narrative learning is acknowledged and these techniques are “carried out with the full awareness and respect through collaboration” between the educator and the adult learner, “it brings about important shifts in self and motivations, and even a reflection on their places in the world can occur” (p.

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