Personal Narrative: I Believe In And Trust The Process

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I believe in and trust the process. The Process: Putting in work or time to fix a problem, or fulfill a dream. The process was first brought to my ears when Joel Embiid, an NBA All Star, was out his first 2-3 years with an injury. When people doubted him, he told them to trust the process. Overtime, he made recovery, worked hard and got to show his full potential. Last year, he made his debut year, but falling short to an injury. This year, healthier than ever, he is an All Star. Looking back at it, the process has made appearances in my life before, except for me realizing it was a process. When I was around late 4, early five years old, my parents had split. My mother had done all the work, stressed that my father did nothing around the house. She left him and took my three brothers and I. We moved to Cathedral City from Beaumont. My grandma had lived here and was supporting us when we were down. Everyday, I saw my mother stress out with no help. She looked like she was giving up on it, but my grandma told her to keep working, to keep her head up. My mom did that, getting a good job, getting paid enough to support 4 kids, keep a roof over our heads. The process took …show more content…

My grandpa had 5 bypass surgery. He quickly recovered over two years. Around May of 2017, he got really sick. He had falls everyday, cutting his skin open. He had lost weight, lost leg strength, had refused to eat for a week, and he put tons of stress on my grandma. It got to the point where doctors told her that she should start looking for caskets, and told her he wouldn’t make it passed June. She was heartbroken. My whole mom’s side of the family ws. I prayed and prayed for my grandpa to stay. I had tried to feed him, I tried to help him walk. I gave it my all to have him stay. God heard my prayers, and he listened. My grandpa started to eat, walk, bring life back to him. The process took 5 or 6 months, but it’s 2018 and looks better than

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