Personal Narrative-Humorous Wedding

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I sigh as I try on yet another suit, “I’m sure this one will work, won’t it? Mother, please?” I cannot believe how many suits one person could need. All this work just for one ball… really it was just stupid. I had already tried on over 50 different ones and apparently none of them were, ‘Just right’! Honestly I’m starting to wonder if Mother is dragging this out just to embarrass me, I wouldn’t put it past her. However, I had to look perfect, after all this ball would decide a main component of my future, my wife. I couldn’t believe that this tradition was still alive, nobody had had to use it in over 200 years. What was even more shocking to me, though was that apparently for the last 200 years my family had all been able to find their true …show more content…

They even had to seperate rooms, for the ugly and the beautiful. I was, of course, in the room full of the beautiful people. Another name is announced and everyone looks up, surprised to see someone arriving so late. And… WOoww… Not that I think beauty is everything, but if it was.. DANG! I see my mother giving me an insistent look and so, with a longing glance back at the corner I had previously occupied, I approach her. As she walks towards me I hear clinks against the ground, and catch a glimpse of her shoes. Wait? Is that glass? To say I’m intrigued would be an understatement, however, I do think that she is insane, is it possible for those shoes to be comfortable at all? She must be …show more content…

“And what could your name be, I wonder?” I say in my most charming voice. She blushes bright scarlet. “Please, you first” She asks, and then flushes even brighter. “I mean… I’m sorry I’m terribly awkward, of course I know your name, I’m just rather nervous and have never been to a dance before and this really isn’t what I expected, I was just hoping to get a sponsor, but of course then the whole fairy godmother thing happened and I don’t want to falsely advertise, but I guess I was still hoping to maybe meet some new people…And I..I am blabbering…sorry..” She hardly seemed to breathe during that whole outburst and I can’t help but stare. I’m rather surprised to be honest. She didn’t come in hopes of being the next queen? She was hoping to find a sponsor? Does that mean that she made her dress herself? Did she say fairy godmother?? I decide to discuss the only thing I really understood, the whole sponsor thing. “A sponsor, you say? Why looking at you and the materials you used, one would hardly think that you need a

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