Personal Narrative: How Storytelling Changed My Life

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I’m not sure where it came from: This strange outlook I had on life. Whatever or wherever it originated from is the reason for my insatiable passion for stories. Whether I’m reading it off of the pages of a book, or seeing something unfold before me on the silver screen, stories have always been a special love of mine. I could never fully understand the world in the way that traditionalists explained it to me. Storytelling has always been a way to help me gain a better understanding of the world I live in and its different functions. Movies and books painted pictures that explained to me the lessons of life that weren’t so black and white. Some of the things I saw on screen had a big impact on shaping who I am today. And growing up in a household of movie lovers, I spent a lot of time in front of a T.V or sitting in a theater. My hunger for books, however, didn’t come until my teen years. As a child, everywhere I went I would see the makings of a new story Yet it never gets old. “Forest Gump” is one of those feel good stories that you don’t get sick of. It has everything: Comedy, adventure, valuable life lessons, tear-jerking character deaths, an underdog protagonist who triumphs over life’s many obstacles, and a score that consists of timeless rock and roll. There are more movies than I could name that had an impact on me, and there are even more than that, that made me really feel things. It was the movie, “Girl, Interrupted” that sparked my interest in acting. Many consider “Girl, Interrupted” to have been Angelina Jolie’s star making role. I was fascinated by the way she shifted into the role of Lisa. She didn't just play the character, she became her. She poured her heart out on screen and she broke mine. After that, I was able to place acting right besides writing in my list of dream

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