Personal Narrative: How PSU Changed My Life

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I’ve continued to hide and the second I graduated I moved to Portland and went to PSU. I still remember that day. It was hard for me to leave my parents, and it was even harder for them, it was my brother leaving all over again. I told them that I really wanted to live in Portland and that I wouldn't cut communication. I didn’t tell them the real reason I wanted to move, but what I said was still the truth. Here I am now still going to PSU and living in Portland Oregon, I live in a small house, it’s nothing much but the rent was still pretty expensive. I’m just glad my parents put so much money aside for me. I am however still trying to figure out who I am and what I want to be after spending eighteen years of my life as fake as a barbie doll. My one and only regret is …show more content…

I feel as lost as a middle schooler fumbling through life not sure of themselves.

The Girl in the Ally I just left the party for preppy rich kids, which to my dismay I was a part of, my father is an owner of a super successful oilrig. Thinking about what had happened, the douchebag who was my boyfriend hooking up with some girl from our college, shaking my head in disgust. I look up and notice that I’m in the rougher part of town, I stop a moment and think about the path I took to get here but I can’t remember, then I start to think about what ways I can get back to my house. While I’m racking my brain this shadow of a person appears out of Will’s Market, from this distance I can’t tell if they are looking at me. Then I come to the painful realization that one I’m standing under the only street light and two I’m wearing a nice bright pink shirt and bright white pants. After this thought runs through my head I whisper “f*****g h*ll whats my luck”. I decide that it’s no use trying to run or hide if they come they come.

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