Personal Narrative: How Mavis Changed My Life

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"Your leaving?" I asked Mavis making sure she knew was she was saying. This was one of days I remember most before drinking in snowy traffic became a habit. Mavis was the friend every introvert could dream of. She was kind and respectfully, and even though I wouldn't want to tell her what my problems were, she would never force it out of me. I walked over to her and sat beside her on her bed as we sat there silently, hoping things between us would never change. I put my hand over her shoulder trying to comfort her. "My parents are having financial problems." she whispered hopelessly, "I can't continue with my studies if they can't afford to pay for it." "You don't have to tell me, I understand." was all I could say when Mavis told me she couldn't afford to attend college anymore. I was a horrible friend, she always made me feel better, but the one time she needed it from me, I couldn't give it to her. I was more cold-hearted than I thought I was. …show more content…

I helped her pick up her boxes and noticed how one of them was open. Buried in her clothes were the photos we took at the photo booth the first day we met. I smiled hopelessly suddenly feeling a hole in the pit of my stomach. Boy, was I going to miss her. Being home schooled for my whole elementary, middle school and high school year, Mavis made me realize I wasn't much of a freak as I thought I was. Mavis made me realize that you don't need love and money to be happy, you just need someone to share it with, its already in you. Tears rolled down my eyes as I wished I could pay for Mavis study, but I myself was having trouble paying for it. I slipped the picture into my pocket and took the last box to Mavis' mom's

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