Personal Narrative: How Baseball Changed My Life

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When I was eight years old my farther enrolled me to play little league baseball at the Sports Complex. At the time I had never played a sport and I was very intimidated to try it out. I did not want to go to my fist game but my dad told me, “try it out, if you don’t like it you can find something else to do.” So I went fourth and played the game, to my surprise I was really good at playing the game. So from that day on I had a passion to play baseball. Through out my high school years I was involved in many baseball organizations and played baseball for my local high school. I enjoyed traveling with my teammates to different cities to play baseball. It was always an adrenaline rush stepping on to the baseball field because I knew I was playing ball with such great teammates and doing what I like to do. Though out the years baseball became an important aspect to my life. My dream was to master high school baseball and go into college division baseball. Things started to change my sophomore year when my desktop computer broke all of a sudden. I was very clueless to what happen to my desktop computer. So I took my computer to a local computer repair shop and they told me the power supply failed in the computer. The computer repair shop told me that it will cost eighty dollars to fix my computer. At that time, I didn’t have that kind of money to fix it so I decided I was going to take …show more content…

In the class I learned networking, trouble shooting skills and how network appliances work. To my amazement throughout the course I was getting a good understanding about the course material. Towards the end of my Junior year we as students were allowed to take a nation wide certification certifying us to work in I T networking. I decided to take the challenge and I passed the exam. I got the highest exam score in my class and I got my Comp Tia Network+ certification finishing off the

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