Personal Narrative: Growing Up In Houston

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The environment I was raised in was one of stability and optimism. I always had something or someone to look up to but at the same time, I knew if something didn’t go well I would be fine at the end of the day as long as I could find my bed. I was also lucky enough to grow up in the Houston area for my entire childhood; even though sometimes it’s hard to find anything cool about it. Growing up in Houston has been extremely beneficial to me despite not having a Disneyland or a Six Flags. Instead of these things we have the medical center which has kept me optimistic about the future of my eyes that I couldn’t even realize I needed to cherish until my later teenage years. The medical center used to represent fear and reminded me that I was different but after time I came to realize that every doctor that has helped me is the best part of growing up in suburban Houston. …show more content…

I grew up in a family of five as the oldest child with two siblings, a mom, a dad, and a dog. Being the oldest of the family means that I am expected to keep a watchful eye over my siblings and the house. My parents always put me in charge of my rebellious brother who is four years younger. As children, our ideas tended to clash and he often disagreed with my leadership. After some time, we both came to amicable terms when we discovered that we could get a lot done together rather than butting heads constantly. Thankfully my sister is a decade younger so the reign I have over her is controlled by our bond as siblings. She can’t betray the trust she has in her big brother, and I can’t betray the trust she puts in me so our relationship works

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