Personal Narrative

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It was on a very special day on August 22, 2002, at 8:22 at night I was born. Little, cute, and chubby Alexis Dejesus Ojea Jr. was finally born.It took 6-8 hours of my arrival, but once I was there it was a relief and my mother made many phone calls once I was finnaly here. I get my name from my father except he’s not a junior he’s a senior and my nickname that I use today is Alex. My mother told me if I wasn't named Alexis I would of been named Tyler. When I was born, I had a special blanket. I had three of them. First I had a white one, then two blue ones. One was a light blue and the other was a dark blue. I still have these blankets today. My mom said “you could never get to sleep without these blankets. They were my prized possessions. …show more content…

She also said that, “I could never feed you fast enough.” My first words and steps were the start of something huge but when I started walking I started using “the potty”. My first word was “no” and I said it at age 1. The reason my first word was no was because my mom was asking if I wanted food, but I said “no.” I started walking and using “the potty” at 13 months, I picked up walking pretty quickly and I was a pretty fast walker for a 13 month year old baby but before walking there was crawling and my mother said I started crawling at 6-7 months. We celebrated my 1st birthday at home. Family and friends from everywhere came just to celebrate little me. We had a chocolate cake and many, many presents. One of my favorite songs was “Clean Up”. It was catchy, and whenever I made a mess I would always be cleaning it up with that song, but eventually that song got old it was still used, but not very often I was already starting to grow up. I'm getting older and my journey will still continue. Now it's time to tell about my next adventure through something I would like to call life, It may be fun, it may not I don't know but we’ll see. Chapter 2: The Early …show more content…

But, today me and sister get along great, we have our differences and ups and downs, however, somehow, some way we make it anyway. And one reason we fought was because of a specific toy I loved. LOVED! It's funny to talk about it now, but it was the Barbie Doll. Yes, I know what you're thinking Barbie is a girl’s toy. I don't know why I did but I did, maybe it's because I lived with all women. Or I just came across a Barbie and fell in love. Thankfully I grew out of that phase! During my 2-4 ages I was a easy going baby. I listened, I played fair, I didn't want everything my way, and I was patient. I guess I was a good baby, but, it's hard to believe now that all those qualities were apart me at that time of my life. There’s always a point in your life where you grow up and move into your own place. But that age hasn't hit yet, but at age 2 I move into what we know as today as a “big boy bed.” And in that bed, I would never cry, get up to get “mommy, or get up to cry because of a bad dream, which rarely happened as a kid for

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