Personal Narrative Essay On 'Smack !'

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Memoir “Smack!” “Are you okay?” This is my story about when I got hit in the face by a soccer ball. It all stared that morning, September 19. I had my alarm set to 6:00 but like every morning I press the snooze button until I have like 20 minutes to get ready. 20 minutes is never enough time for me to get ready because I always get distracted. Even when I have like an hour to get ready I always end up not even close to ready when it’s time for me to get out the door. Anyways, I had 20 minutes to get ready and I already knew what I was going to wear for school, an army green shirt with light wash ripped jeans, I looked for it in my closet and quickly put it on my army green shirt and my ripped jeans. Then, I realized I would get cold through the day so I grabbed my Nike hoodie. Thank God I already had my soccer stuff ready for my game that I was going to have later that day. I only had to get my shoes on and brush my teeth and then I could head out the door. I put my shoes on and then I was ready to go. I …show more content…

As soon as we knew it that buzzer buzzed and it was time to start the game. I wasn’t nervous. I always get nervous before or during a game because I might mess up or something like that but, this time I wasn’t and I was surprised. Since all the action was on the right of the field nothing was happening on my side for the first quarter of the game. My friend Lily though, shot a goal for us and it had been the first since the Fairborn game. We all gathered around Lily and told her good job. Throughout the game first quarter I started to realize that the refs where calling bad calls. Sometimes we were the one that were supposed to throw in the ball but, they said it was the other teams throw in. We didn’t let that get to us though. We played out hardest. I remember It was really hard and I kept sweating so much. I don’t like sweat for some reason. So I kept trying to wipe it off with my

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