Personal Narrative Essay: Is Volleyball A Sport?

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I will never forget my freshman year of high school my team and I endured the most devastating loss to our all time rival school, Flower Mound. We had come so close and we all played to the absolute best of our ability and there was nothing we could have done better to change the outcome. After being embarrassed in front of the massive audience who had stayed for 2 hours and had rooted for the team the whole game we began to cry, I had a boy my age come up to me and say, “I cant believe y’all choked like that, volleyball is literally the easiest sport ever all you had to do was spike it down!” I don’t think I have ever been so embarrassed. Naturally, I was angered that he had the audacity to say that to me not even 3 minutes after the game …show more content…

They would proceed to show me their “skills” which were sloppy and would make me cringe just from watching. As someone who plays volleyball on average fifteen hours a week and grew up around the sport I will always defend my passion. Although, I like to think those boys and girls were not trying to be rude, but are simply just uneducated in the sport. Volleyball is in fact, a sport, and a very intense one. Volleyball is not considered to be a “physical contact” sport and shoving your opponents may not be part of the game, but if you want to win the point you have to muster up all the anger and aggression inside of you to slam the ball down on the other team's side of the court. In volleyball you have to sacrifice your body for every single point! I come home from volleyball games covered with huge purple bruises on my arms and legs. Volleyball requires an aggressive approach in everything you do. In Jim Browns work Playing An Aggressive Volleyball Game, he …show more content…

Despite the fact that we don't run 2-3 miles in a game they could not be more wrong. In the sport of volleyball, a player uses just about every part of their body to play. Legs need to be built and explosive for jumping and squatting to pass. Arms need to be strong to hit the ball, block a solid hit, or receive a hard hit. Your core has to be hard to be able to pike and swing. In Dr. Alan Goldberg article Volleyball Players and Peak Performance he

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