Personal Narrative Essay

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Drugs! Alchohol! These two things prove to be very dangerous to the human person. My older brother was once addicted to both, but with the help from my parents, he is now back on the right track. This was only possible because my parents took huge steps in helping him get to rehab. They were heroes to me and my family because they had been so caring, loving, and forgiving to my brother. There has been so many wonderful things I have learned from them. My parents saved my brother's life and showed me what true love and hope can accomplish. Ever since my brother was 18, he has been independent and on his own. In fact, on his 18th birthday, he decided to go live with his biological father in San Diego. I remember watching them drive away and seeing my brother Ian leaving for what felt like forever. His father, step-mother, and …show more content…

He drove to the shared apartment my brother was in and had a long talk with him about cleaning up his life and going to a rehab. "Ian, it's time to change this self-hurt", my dad said, "come with me to a rehab and free yourself and your family from this sadness." So Ian, half drunk and drugged, packed his things and we took him to a rehab far from where he was supported in his addictions. We took him to a beautiful beach rehab in California and left him there, uncertain but optimistic about the future. After that, we would all sit at home after work and school, waiting to hear any news about him. The therapists and doctors had made a rule that he needed to separate himself completely from his family and friends until he was healed better. So, we would get one weekly call for about 5 minutes to talk to Ian. My mother and father take the time to encourage him to keep up the progress and give him loving sayings of positivity. This was such a great example for me and taught me to never give up on people that might need a little

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