Personal Narrative: East Brunswick Votech

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“High school is tough.” That’s what I was always told. Although, freshmen year was easy for me, I went to East Brunswick VoTech. I woke up at eight and left school at three thirty. All of my friends went to our district high school so I didn’t get to see them much. They also got out of school an hour and a half before I did. The workload was not so bad and I felt a sense of purpose. Then sophomore year came and I decided to transfer to district. I figured I’d get to see all my friends again and there’d be a few differences from VoTech but nothing I couldn’t handle. Oh, how wrong I was. The workload was immediately double what I did in VoTech, maybe even triple. I tried to stay afloat in the sea of work but was easily overwhelmed by it all. …show more content…

I thought about my childhood and moments in my life where I was happy. My memory isn’t so good and I can only remember a select few times when I was genuinely smiling. I remember the bad times, days where I found it too hard to get out of bed, my parents divorce, so many nights filled with yelling. I do not know if there is one cause for my sadness or if it is a result of everything I have been through. Maybe it is just an issue with my brain. The ride to the Emergency Room was filled with small talk between me and the tech. She asked me about my plans for the future and was shocked to find out that I didn’t have any. I guess I focus so much on the past and the present that I find it hard to imagine myself having a future. She told me about her job and why she chose it. I sat and listened, absorbing her knowledge. We arrive at the hospital and I am lead to my room. I get undressed and change into a hospital gown. They took my phone, earbuds and bracelets. My mother comes in sometime after, she must have been crying because her face is red and she looked upset. Doctors and nurses come in and out of the room, introducing themselves and collecting information about me. My mom stays with me for most of it, leaving when she’s needed to sign paperwork or talk to doctors privately. After sometime I get settled and they allow my mother to wheel another bed into my room. My mother leaves to get things from home and I fall …show more content…

My mom stopped at the hospital shop and got me a pad of paper, crayons, pencils and a pen. For breakfast they brought me eggs, toast and a tea bag with a hot cup of water. I ate the toast and a tiny portion of the eggs. I placed the tea bag in the cup of hot water and watched the color spread. A hospital chaplain came into my room to check on me, I asked if I could have honey for my tea. He said he’d see what he could do before leaving me alone. While waiting for his return , I began to doodle in the pad of paper. A nurse came in and took my blood pressure and then my breakfast tray. I enjoyed the presence of the hospital staff, it meant I was not

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