Personal Narrative: Drowning In My Life

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I feel nothing then everything at once. Everything goes black without a sudden notice i'm laying there numb trying to decipher what had just happened physically and mentally. Physically I was tingling everywhere my body was vibrating as if I was one with everything around me. A simplicity only the body can feel but the brain cannot explain. Why do I feel this? Is it because of my settle side effect of depression or is it because of the herb I solemnly inhaled and exhaled as if I have been practicing that patterned routine my whole life. Mentally I went from complete sobority to drowning. But not that kind of drowning where my lungs get filled with water and I choke for one last breath of air. No the kind of drowning that is within one. Drowning in my thoughts and feelings that have no meaning yet control every aspect of my pathetic uncontrollable reality tv show like life. …show more content…

Its nice at first though, before the drowning, it's just a nice gentle float. The slow creep of the numbing also enables the slow creep of the grin that always appears on my face after that first huff, puff and cough to follow. Sitting there I let it take over my body embracing the feeling of the sun and wind around me. Amplifying everything I feel I choose to embrace the world around me before I start drowning. Even though I don't feel it yet I know it's coming, it always does. I embrace my friends and there giddily smiles as we all share the same state of

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