Personal Growth Through Loss: A Cancer Story

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Cancer Changed Me A little over four months ago I lost my mother to Colon Cancer. So many things in my life have been affected by the death of my mom in just this short time. The things that have changed the most are, my responsibilities, my goals, and my overall view on life. Each of these changes have molded me into the person I am today. I am not saying this road has been or will continue to be easy, but I do know that it is preparing me for the future and what the real world will be like. Responsibility is something that people my age know little to nothing about. You never realize just how much your parents do for you until they are no longer around. My mom was the head of our home up until a week or two before her passing, so the amount of responsibility that I have had to gain is tremendous. Everything from grocery shopping, to cooking/cleaning, and much more has been an adjustment …show more content…

Yes, we knew she was sick, but it wasn’t until two weeks before her passing that we realized how serious it actually was. It really opened my eyes to just how short life actually is. I know that sounds so cliche, but it couldn’t be more true. My mom truly lived her life to the fullest. She didn’t dwell on anything and always had such a positive attitude. If she taught me one thing it was to enjoy the small things in life and that it’s always important to make the best of every situation that is thrown at you. I do not want to have any regrets when my time comes. This experience has taught me that you only have one life to live and you have to do what you want. Shoot for the stars, because you don’t get any redos. I’ve come out of this experience with the greatest lesson of all, and that is that the journey is much more important than the destination, because you never know who your journey is inspiring. My mom is the basis of everything I do, and even though she can no longer be with me physically, she is still my greatest

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