Personal Narrative: Camp Texas

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Camp Texas is an experience that I would love to have the opportunity to attend. I live with my grandmother who has raised me since I was 2 years old. She supports me any way she can whether it be emotionally, financially, mentally, etc…. She has been my only base of support and without her I truly don’t know where I would be at today. Growing up I always had my 3 sisters to play with, talk to, and keep me company. The hard reality just hit me, that in a few months I will no longer have them to confide in daily and I will be losing my support system. It will be up to me to make the right choices and while I will be able to call them, nothing beats a nice, warm hug. I will be alone in this cold, hard world. Growing up in a small town provides you with a close knit community which can be a good or bad thing when you think about it. Growing up, everyone knows everyone and we all attend the same school from elementary all the way up to high school. Although this has provided me with some close friendships, it has limited my viewpoints on other things and it has no allowed me to spread my wings and discover myself. …show more content…

I want to try to meet new people who aren’t close-minded and who will allow me to state my opinion even when they don’t agree with what I’m saying. I want to expand some of my views and become more open to ideas and other morals/cultures. I have had the same routine since I was little, go to school, talk to the same friends, see the same people in the stores, I’m ready for a change and diversity. I believe that if I attend Camp Texas it would allow me to have a smoother transition from a small town to a big

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