Personal Narrative-Bruce Carroll's Journey

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As the sun rises high into the midday summer sky, Bruce Carroll begins to pack his bag for the 6 months out in the wilderness. He has decided to make the 6-month trek along the Appalachian Trail. This choice has been hard on Bruce because he cannot bear staying away from his family. His daughter Lillian, is a blonde four year old who always has her pink blanket. The mother of Lillian is a dark-haired beauty. Everyday Bruce wakes up, he compares her to a super model. His stressful life has been more complicated since the town of Cape Elizabeth cut the Police Forces K-9 Unit back in February. Money has been tight lately, but Bruce has been saving for this trip for years. He cannot wait to breathe the cool crisp air every morning, longing to …show more content…

Looking through the thick pines, Apollo stops and points his tail. His mouth is bearing the ivory-like jaws ready to greet the threat. The stench of death is blowing through the wind. Bruce looks around. First he spots dead carcasses everywhere, then through an opening in the trees all he can see is the gigantic head of a mountain lion mouth dripping with crimson droplets from its fresh kill. The big cat backs away, snapping every branch on the way out. With the adrenaline racing through his veins, Bruce charges through the limbs raising his knife. He gets to where he last saw the beast and then he sees nothing. Not a single track. He kneels down to examine the lions fresh kill. It was a… just then the sensation of knives jabbing into Bruce’s back awakens him from his confused state. The razor sharp claws sink deep into his flesh. Bruce lets out a blood curdling yell as the pads of the enormous feet slide down his back. The only thing Apollo could do to save Bruce is snap at the legs of the mountain lion. As the weight of the giant cat pushing down on Bruce’s back, his legs collapse. The cracking of bone sends shivers up Bruce’s Spine. As he lays there in pain as motionless as can be, he can hear the fight between the cat and Apollo. Bruce cannot move to help Apollo. The snarls and growls rage on for several

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