Personal Narrative-Black Holes

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“Let’s go mudding!” Exclaimed my fiancé Chris, as we piled into his big, muddy, white truck. The day before, it rained most of the evening. Priming the grounds for optimal fun. Excitement filled my body, as we made our way out to the mud hole. “You ready baby?” Asked Chris, with a cheeky grin. “I was born ready!” I replied smiling back. As we pull up to the field, I feel my heart start racing in anticipation. Once grass filled acres of land, showing signs we haven’t been the only one here today. Tire tracks, and big holes leading us out to the field where the real fun resides. As we turn the bend, the mud holes and hills are everywhere! I look at Chris and Smile, and off we go! Flying through the pond like puddles, throwing thick gritty …show more content…

I cautiously make my way out of the truck, and head my way through the thick muck to the tailgate. While Chris was still trying to start the truck, I notice that every time it almost turns over water is shooting out of the exhaust pipes. “I have an idea!” I shout up to Chris, as I climb into the bed of the truck. Using all my force I jump up and down, trying to shake the water out of the exhaust. Success! The truck roars to life, and I scream with excitement! Chris throws the truck into drive, and starts to move forward. My hopes coming crashing down, and I hear the engine sounding ill. I flinch in shock from the loud bang coming from the exhaust, and the smoke returns. At this point Chris jumps out of the truck, and opens the hood. “Great! Just what I thought, the spark plug caps are drenched.” Chris grumbles. I remembered I had towels in the back seat from a few days prior, when we went to the beach. I quickly jump out of the back of the truck and dredge my way to the back door. I grab the towels and bring them up to the front. “Will this work?” I ask. “Doubtful, but we can try.” Chris skeptically responds. So there we were, drying off every inch of the motor we could reach, and the spark plug wire caps as well. “Alright let’s give this another shot, go try and start her up.” Chris said. I jump in the driver’s seat, put the key in the ignition, and take a deep

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