Personal Narrative Analysis

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I’ve always loved making people feel better about themselves. My mom told me that from a young age, I was always looking for a way to make people happy. Not because I necessarily gained anything out of it, but because it made me feel better knowing I could influence somebody in a positive way. I started volunteering at a young age. My first experience was at Forgotten Harvest, an organization that cleans food and gives it to those who are in need. I cleaned squash that day and it wasn’t easy. I was thinking to myself, how is this going to help anybody? It wasn’t until after I had seen where the squash I cleaned had gone, that I realized what I did went a long way. The joy on those people's faces made everything worth it. For them to be so happy with just receiving vegetables like squash and carrots, it made me realize that doing so little could make a world of a difference. That was the first day I realized what I wanted to go into when I was older. I was around fourteen at the time when it clicked that I wanted to make people feel better both physically and mentally. I figured a doctor is my obvious choice, so the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor would be the perfect school for me. …show more content…

With 470 million dollars in research grants, it’s no wonder why this school is one of top ten in the nation. I think this school has the best program for me, mainly for it’s flexibility and continuous support in whatever career I choose to pursue. I’m planning on becoming a successful surgeon and in order to do that, I would need a successful school to help guide me. Because the University of Michigan has many different kinds of PhDs to choose from, I will have no problem finding the right one for me.I have friends that have gone to this university and they are now living very happy lives in the careers they have chosen to pursue. That is the kind of happiness I hope to get as

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