Personal Narrative Analysis

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It was August 17, 2016 and it is close to my birthday, me and my mom were going to have breakfast with my Aunt Colette. Then we were going to go to the mall and buy some things. We were going to drop my sisters off at school and then head to breakfast. We left the house and got into the car, we left our apartments. I was on my phone and so was my older sister, me and her were in the back seats I was behind the passenger seat and my older sister was behind the driver's seat. My little sister was up front, and my mom driving the car. We left the apartments onto the busy road. We made it close to the freeway, we were one street down from the freeway. We were just going the speed limit and then the car turned and my mom couldn’t get out of the …show more content…

She cried, we all did. A guys saw the incident and came to help my mom out, my sisters hands were shaking and the other lady went to go park. Her car was fine and our´s wasn´t. We were all sitting on the curb, scared. My older sister had called the 911 number, her hands shaked as she typed the number, as she talked to the operator, and told the person what happened. The police and fire trucks came. When the crash took place no one stopped to help us at all. Our mom mom was trying to call our granny to take my sisters to her home. But my older sister wanted to go to school, she didn't want to miss another school day, so she went to her school. My little sister went home with my …show more content…

My mom and I had a trouble getting out of the car because, it was a big car. We went in the restaurant, my mom did my hair into two french braids. I ordered my favorite, french toast which was amazing. I had my favorite shirt on which was a little baggy and some shorts that were going to my lower thigh. We paid then left got back into my Aunt's car and went into the mall. We walked into the built-a-bear to get me 2 bears, one was a care bear and the other was another care bear. We went to the food court and eat a little. After that was done, my Aunt dropped my mother and me at urgent care for a scan to see if my mom and I didn’t hurt anything as in bones or body parts. But they said they couldn’t take in car accident people. Which in fact made no sense. So my mom called my granny and then pick up my sister up, she was

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