Personal Narrative Analysis

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Final:It was around the middle of fifth grade, and my family had just moved (ugh). (annoyed and sad voice)This meant, new school, new friends, new,.. new(angry) (move hands) EVERYTHING! I (point at self) was going to be the(“) “new kid” at school today. It was almost time to head out, I found myself sitting on the couch, frozen and lifeless (plop down on chair),(exhale).(move back to narrator),but what was going on in the inside? my brain,( point at head) (wait) was a WHOLE nother story.(pace back and forth). How? How?, (stop) How will I make new friends? (wave hands), (back and forth think),(stop).What am I getting myself into!!?,(look at audience) ”I don’t even know anyone!”(out of breath)(close eyes)(move back to narrator) Trying to calm myself down, I began to stare at the clock like a HAWK. Witnessing each tick AND tock, that went by, (say tick, tock, tick tock)(nervous hands)It was like that menacing clock back there (point to clock) clock was counting down till the end of my life.

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