Personal Narrative Analysis

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When you think of the typical 6 year old little girl you probably think of an energetic, fun-loving, care-free child. I was all of that and more right up to the moment that a single spot on my right knee, to the right of center on my knee cap, stopped me dead in my tracks and left me scared for my life. At around the age of 6 I was having fun with my best friend and neighbor while spending spring break at my aunts beach house down in Panama City, Florida. I can remember the moment like it was yesterday. I was standing in the living room ready to go out and swim in the pool because I loved, and still love, swimming, and also because it was night and I loved how the pool lights made the whole backyard glow. The only thing holding me back from jumping in the pool was an extreme pain in my knee accompanied with a bump that I had not noticed before. …show more content…

Which makes it clear to me that the pain caused by this newly discovered problem must have reached a point where I could not hide it anymore. That reason plus the fact that I remember that pain, it was a pain like nothing I have ever felt before. My mother, being the half doctor that she is took a look at the area and quickly diagnosed it as an infection that should probably be checked out by a doctor when we got back home. Before confidently coming to this conclusion she poked around the spot as she collected enough clues to make her diagnosis. I remember this part because I, being the 6 year old little girl that I was, was crying out in pain at the slightest touch. On that note it is not unheard of for a child to be overly dramatic at the inspection of their flesh wounds, I was no different. But this time was different. This time the pain was

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